Sunday, October 9, 2016

Medical update

So I figured it was about time for me to post a medical update.  That was one of my main reasons for starting the blog in the first place.  Keep my family who I don't see or talk to every day informed. 

 The tests/and results I have had done to date are:

Mammogram- This was my initial test right after my first visit way back in Aug. with my nurse practitioner.  The problem with the mammogram is that I have a rare breast cancer.  Only 1-5 diagnosed with breast cancer are diagnosed with  Inflammatory.  I also tend to believe that this number may be off.  I saw many doctors and they made it pretty clear that they don't really see this type.  Luckily, the doctors who mean the most, surgeon, oncologist, and radiation oncologist didn't seem to have the reaction the others did.  Anyway.......monogramming an inflammatory breast cancer doesn't really work because it's not a tumor, it is literally the whole breast.  So all that is seen on the mammogram is tissue.
I borrowed this little blurp from the following site ( to better show how inflammatory forms: Inflammatory breast cancer is a rare and very aggressive disease in which cancer cells block lymph vessels in the skin of the breast. This type of breast cancer is called “inflammatory” because the breast often looks swollen and red, or inflamed.  So because it sits in the skin vs the ducts of my breast there really is nothing to see on the mammogram or ultra sound.
 Result-follow up with medication for mastitis and 2nd ultra sound.  

3 ultra sounds- again ultra sounds don't tell the radiologist much but I had 3 and you can read about that experience on my original post. 
            Result-sent for skin biopsy

Skin Biopsy- Now let me tell you this bad boy has yet to fully heal.  Tmstrangest thing I have ever seen.  I mean your body is suppose to heal, thats what it does.  Well because the tissue is so bad (thats my medical term )  they were unable to stitch the biopsy and they had to coterize it.  So a month later that whole is still working on closing up.  Yep, pretty nasty and just another reminder that my left breast is really,really, angry.
        Result- diagnosed with breast cancer!

MRI- Now let me tell you this........this one was my least favorite.  You literally have to lay in the MRI machine with your breasts dangling through these strange wholes.  Your on your tummy and you can't see anything.  For someone with over active anxiety and who attempts to be modest this was like worst case! Luckily we have pharmaceutical companies and they helped me out with a little anxiety med.  Didn't really help with the whole modesty thing but did what I had to do. 
                       Results- yep, the breast is just a lot-a tissue and you still have cancer. 

CAT Scan- This was the first scan I was able to stay clothed for.......YES! During this process if I can keep my close on I consider it a GREAT TEST!
                 Results- the cancer is localized  on my left side.  It is most definitely in lymph nodes but only on the left side!  No organs are effected. 

Echo Cardiogram-  This was to check my heart.  To make sure I could handle the following months of meds, surgery ect. 
              Results-My heart is great and able to take it all on.  But I mean we pretty much  knew that already. 

4th ultra sound- This was actually of my spleen (?) These body parts got my non medical brain baffled.  My CAT scan did show a cyst on my spleen.  The oncologist was fine with it being just a cyst but my surgeon wanted a better look.  This was my first Monday after chemo.   I couldn't eat or drink until the ultra sound and it was at 4:00pm.  Now my steroid eating habits these days are a completely different topic but let me tell you that Monday kicked my butt!
                     Results- Just a cyst, not a tumor, not cancer.

PET Scan- Apparently the CAT scan didn't go into my neck for the radiation oncologist to see the lymp nodes in my neck, so he ordered a PET scan.  My oncologist later apologized for me having to do another scan but said she was looking for chemo and he is looking for radiation needs.  I didn't mind.  I mean really I am at the point of "tell me when and where and you will have little questions asked as long as your getting this cancer out!"
                 Results- No surprises.  Lymph nodes are effected where we thought.  I only have one loan ranger hanging out more in the middle of my chest.  I suspect he wants to escape......wouldn't you if you had cancer in you.  Radiation oncologist and oncologist both believe we can get that one lonely lymph node with radiation and the others with surgery and radiation.

Bone Scan- got to leave my clothes on again......oh yeah! This was to check for cancer in my bones.  BONUS-Dr. Chloe Schelton read these results, so they have to be accurate :).  If you don't know about Dr. Chloe please refer to first post. 
                Results- Cancer is NOT in my bones.  I do have a bone spur on my rib and scoliosis still (had that since childhood).

BRAC Gene Genetic Testing- This was ordered because of my age and the fact that my mom does have some history of it in her family, and I have a sister in her 20's and two girls!  
  Results- Negative, I am not a carrier of the genetic gene.  Now this was a double edge sword for me.  I of course did not want my girls to be genetic carriers and have to make really tough choices when they are older, I also did't want my sister or mom to have any burden of this either.  But without it being genetic I just get to be considered a chosen one.  That part is super hard to wrap my head around.  I'm just lucky enough to have my body produce cancer at 30.  There is a reason for it, I am just not sure what it is yet.  
        Side note: even though I don't carry the BRAC gene.  My sister and girls will need to begin mammograms early.  25 is the age my oncologist is saying now but once my girls are that old whos to say the technology we will have for early detection. 

So I think that's all for the testing.  I have had 3 rounds of chemo now.  Fridays are my lucky days.  I get blood work done, I see my oncologist, and I get hooked up for poison, I mean meds. Friday after is always fine, Saturday I wake up okay but then my Saturday night I am typically in joint pain.  The joint pain extends from my jaw to my feet. Strangest thing ever.  Sunday I start coming off the steroids and  I am exhausted.  The strangest exhaustion ever.  If you haven't experienced it.  I recommend NOT :).  

 Sunday consists of my couch or bed and a blankie, oh and food.  Steroids still make sure I am taking in some food.  

Mondays are exhaustion again.  The nurses in the chemo room call it the droid drain and that's no joke! 

 Tuesday I start getting better but I am tired still, but I am tired all the time these days.  By Wednesday I am good to go about life.  I work, I be a mommy, and I attempt to throw in some friend action.  I get about 9 great days before the chemo hits me again right now.  I have not been overly nauseas, moments here and there, I have escaped the mouth sores they said I could get (knock on wood).  So I mean.....I am pretty much rockin this chemo thing right now. 

I have officially been "staged" ........3.  Oncologist assures me this is nothing to worry about because the chemo appears to be working and do to the nature of Inflammatory, unless it's in your origins, by the time it's found everyone is stage 3.   

Trying not to look  to deep into the future because that starts to ramp up the anxiety and I don't know for sure but I am guessing adding that to my body isn't going to help kill this cancer. 
Oncologist says there goal is to clear the cancer.  She can never make me any promises but as of now we have no reason to believe that we cant clear it!

Just Some Funnies that made me smile and hope they do you too.  Please excuse the language in two of them.  They really do portray how I feel some days, language and all.  

 First and foremost I am a teacher deep in heart and I want to teach everyone about this world.  What it looks like and how it feels and that IT'S OKAY!  It does SUCK and no one can lie about that but IT IS OKAY, and I am HAPPY to be me and ALIVE with great medicine and doctors and my girls and my family. 


  1. You rock! Thank you for sharing all of this with us! Stage 3 has NOTHING on you <3

  2. Thanks for sharing! Love and Light your way!! You're gonna kick cancers ass!! (pardon my language)

  3. Thank you for sharing, Meg... your strength through all this amazes me, and I really do appreciate the updates since we can't be close by. Keeping you in my prayers, and have had several friends and Mindt family add you to Prayer Chains... Let's Do This!!! LOVE, Aunt Cindy
